รดาณัฐ ศรีเกริกกริช |  12 years old
Test on, 25 Apr 2021

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

UG-type kids are artists who love creating new things and never give up even if the world is against them. They feel that redundancy is boring and not challenging, and the road to success begins with a spark of inspiration. If they have their minds set on something, they give it their all to reach the goal. If they are sad or moody, they will keep to themselves to regain control before coming back to deal with their issues.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer


  • Too much of a free spirit
  • Not adaptable
  • Dislike approaching people first
  • Allow their emotions to influence their work
  • Private and distant
  • Hate routines and redundancy
  • Too quick to decide
  • Too focused on their interests that they forget people around them
  • Hot-headed
  • Easily stressed about relationships

Not only painting or drawing pictures that help to stimulate imagination, But other activities are also help children's creativity such as drama performances, crafting or Handwork, allow kids to design by themselves. That how the performance will be appear into sight and that craft which will be exquisite only one in the world!

Time management training from an early age will help children to spend time each day more efficiently. This can be done simply by making a priority check list. Let's start with what needs to be done first. Then continue with what should be done. The last one is unnecessary, which can be engaged at any free time. Only this, you can spend your time in each day wisely.

Influence of decision making

"Each child's is different,
including their learning style."
- GeniusX ALPHA -

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

UG youngsters are driven by new and challenging tasks. Once they have their minds set on attaining what they want, their creation will have to be the best and most beautiful. They are proud of their own unique work and believe that the effort they put in will lead to their best handiwork. They are visual people, able to envision the most intricate details. The more vivid their mental image is, the easier it is for them to succeed. If they are faced with a problem, they will hide away to gather their thoughts, think things over, and visualize ways to solve the problem. Once they’ve regained their composure, they will return to deal with the problem at hand, believing that “nothing is impossible” and that there is a solution to every problem.

Playing has a direct effects children’s brain development. Moreover, experiencing by playing, whether socializing, problem solving, and communication will help children to develop their potential in various fields. In addition, it stimulates the brain nerves and the connection points to remember more experiences. It is the beginning of creativity for learning.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Thinking system

UG teenagers are imaginative, free-spirited, and live beyond the bounds of any rules. They have a unique perspective on life, desiring things that are novel, intriguing, unique, and beautiful. They are highly confident, so they don’t really care how people perceive them. As long as they get to do what they love, all is well in the world of the modern UG adolescent.

Principle of leading life

Having to do the same things over and over is way too boring for UG young people. The world deserves novelties that will make it better and make life interesting and fun. UG children are always coming up with new ideas and creations. All it takes is a spark to lead to a bright idea. They will act immediately, excited to see the results of their own creations. They find joy in being inspired and rendering masterpieces in the field that they love. On the flip side, they are great with relationships.


UG children are not great at socializing, preferring to invest their valuable time instead on things they love. They are sensitive souls, so they will mostly invest their energy in things that interest them and make them happy. They don’t really value relationships with other people and focus more on themselves. They are autonomous, happy working alone and would even feel uncomfortable and awkward if forced to be with unfamiliar people.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Inspiration and methodology

Inspiration is one of the most important force that makes you want to do something such as self-development. It will help you to overcome obstacles to reach the goal as you intended.

UG youngsters are characterized by their sentimentality and love of art. They are fervent lovers of all things beautiful and lead a life guided and inspired by that beauty. Whenever they feel uninspired, they will be sad and gloomy, not knowing what to do with themselves. Therefore, achieving originality is stimulating for UG kids, prompting a desire to craft their best masterpieces for the world to see.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Leadership and team playing

Leadership is the ability to lead others to their goals or objectives by using guidance. The participants will follow you with enthusiasm and willingness.

UG adolescents have great leadership qualities; they are capable of persuading and convincing people although they need to work on their communication skills. They often see with their mind’s eye and come up with ideas that people find hard to keep up with. Their decisions are influenced by their emotions and how they are feeling at any given time of day. Even when they are keen and capable of producing great work, their teammates often feel that UG kids are hard to reach and difficult to understand, so UG teens are often left to work alone.
In the family, letting children to be part of the decision-making can help them to form the leadership in them. If parents give children the opportunity to express their opinions, they will come up with a solution together, this is a way to train children to listen and accept the opinions of others along the way.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Problem solving

Problem solving is the ability to think critically. Thinking of questions to find the cause of the problem by applying the knowledge and experiences that has been acquired to find the best and suitable solutions to that problem in the best possible.

When they are faced with difficult problems, UG children like to hide and pause for breath first. They will go somewhere quiet to be by themselves, gather their thoughts, and come back to the table to deal with the problem once they feel ready. They will be dedicated and try their best to better the situation, but if they see it is a lost cause, they will immediately stop and re-evaluate their options to find another solution.
Playing or doing activities are important lesson for children to learn problem-solving skills in life. In addition, it will allow children to pass through obstacles. They are also practiced to be patient , observant, and memorizing to create the experience and to practice analytical thinking to find solutions by themselves. These help building up children’s self-confidence and their optimism.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Emotional Management

Emotional management is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions. In different situation, expressing emotion appropriately will create a good relationship with others.

Being guided by emotions are double-edged. If they are in a good mood, UG teenagers will be the most productive and confident people, but if they are in a bad mood, every aspect of their lives will be affected. They should learn to meditate, calm down, and take control of their emotions. They should listen to others calmly, evaluate things logically, and find a trusted friend to help them vent and blow off steam. This will help them understand themselves better.

In the family, letting children to be part of the decision-making can help them to form the leadership in them. If parents give children the opportunity to express their opinions, they will come up with a solution together, this is a way to train children to listen and accept the opinions of others along the way.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Outdoor activities

Outdoor activities are another option that can help children to develop their skills. In addition, outdoor activities not only help children to practice concentration, socialability, emotional control, and brain training, but also help children to discover new inspirations and learn both themselves and the world.

Fun skill-building activities to try

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Financial management

UG youths act on their emotions, deciding things based on their feelings at the time rather than what is logical. They don’t have clear financial plans, and if they see something they like, they will be rash and buy it immediately. UG youngsters should plan out their finances carefully and calm down a little. Think things through and give it some time before making decisions. The impulse to buy things might not be there anymore.

Financial planning can be teached to children. In addition, it will help children to improve good financial immunity from a younger age and able to allocate their own finances in the future.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Spending Behavior
For each Generation

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Learning Characteristic

This type of child has a system of thinking between U and G Main character, U-type youngsters like to keep things real. They have unique ways of seeing the world that is unlike any other. They are sensitive, emotional, creative, and imaginative. Their imagination knows no bounds, and they hate being limited by any rules. They act immediately and work hard on things that interests them but don’t often plan ahead. Therefore, U-type kids learn well through independent learning schemes, which involve imagining things and putting those thoughts into actions. They can work independently without anyone there to guide, limit, or direct them. In fact, when it comes to things they are interested in, U-type children can run the whole show on their own.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer
Secondary G-type kids are kinesthetic learners who learn well if they can try their hand at difficult and challenging things. They do well in a competitive learning environment due to their strong leadership qualities, ability to guide and convince others, creativity, and a knack for thinking on the spot. Most importantly, kids with this personality type will do anything for a reward, so the best way for them to learn is to play games and participate at individual and team competitions.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Parenting advisory

With the nature of this type of child, Because U-type youths are introverted and free-spirited, they often follow their emotions and feelings instead of logic and reason. They are stubborn and like to go against others. U-type adolescents have complex emotions, making them difficult to understand. Therefore, parents should encourage their kids to practice critical thinking and following the logical flow of information, so that they can understand things based on factual evidence. Acting based on their emotions could lead to mistakes, so U-type teens should be more careful and cautious before deciding to act, and they should be more disciplined so that they can work better with others.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer
And G-type children are very sure of themselves, dedicated, and gritty, they always love a good challenge and are avid risktakers. They are often hot-headed, easily bored, careless, and like to throw caution to the wind. Therefore, parents should encourage calming activities like meditation, music, or art. Beyond that, it would be good to encourage group activities where G-type teenagers can learn to build good relationships with others, cooperate, listen to others, be caring and considerate, and help other people. This could be done through chores with a family member, participating in cultural or religious activities with others in their community, or volunteering.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

Did you know?

A survey by the World Economic Forum (World Economic Council) ranks the competitiveness of Thai children in 2019 from 38th to 40th in a total of 141 countries. Thai children mostly lack of critical thinking.

Brain-boosting nutrients for childhood

Children's brains are able to develop to 85% comparing to adult's brain. In every 1 second, 700 children’s brains cells are connected. Therefore, childhood is the best period of life for learning.

The Artist Who Does Not Give In To Fate

Unique + Game Changer

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