Humor and laughter are unique for human beings to be unlike any other creature in the world. It’s like as a nature give them as a special gift to humans. However, many people may not be using this tool fully. How does this laugh and how can we…

Humor and laughter are unique for human beings to be unlike any other creature in the world. It’s like as a nature give them as a special gift to humans. However, many people may not be using this tool fully. How does this laugh and how can we make a difference in our living? Today, we will try to solve this secret. If it does not include from chicken crow in the morning, there would be only chimpanzees that have been proven to have humor. It can laugh but it just does not sound like a human voice. In the chimpanzees is just speed breathe but that is enough to prove that the breathing is the original laughing of the human ancestors before they is isolated from the ancestors. With this long path of evolution, finally, laughing is one of the basic human beings that they have. Obviously, when many people play peek a boo with little babies or pretend to flop, we always get the laugh voice easily Dr. Robert Provine, who is interested in and study the laughs of human seriously, found that the beginning of laughter in the Stone Age Man may be a signal for communication to signify a response to an unforeseen event. However, we can live on. In addition to the benefits of communication, laughter is also associated with emotional states and our inner workings. Dr. Robert also found that when we start to laugh, the brain orders hormone secretion to reduce stress, resulting in a better immune system. Laughter also stimulates neuronal function in the prefrontal cortex which is the front of the brain. It acts on the control of thoughts related to the reaction of positive and negative emotions. It bring to create the secretion of a biochemical substance called Endorphin, also known as the substance of happiness and rejuvenates into the body. It also stimulates the brain and nerve cells well.

    Even laughing is a matter of humanity but for some people may be difficult. Some people who smile difficultly may feel unpleasant for this. The study also found that we can create humor from the society, such as talking to people with friendly atmosphere or people with positive mood. If you do not like to be with other people, humor can be created when we are alone through ordinary circumstances. The study found that fun emotion is more likely to be in a relaxed state or a place that is comfortable. You just try to find free time, read comic books, watch comedy movies, and meet with family members or old friends who have not seen each other, or go out on vacation to create a new atmosphere in life. Anyway, the precaution in laughter is to avoid laughing at the inferiority or shame of others because it is not funny for those who are parody. It also destroys good relationships between each other, and may lead to big issues at an illegal level, especially in times when social media is fast. Laughter without thinking about others may become a big deal.



Source: academic article “The neurology and evolution of humor, laughter, and smilling”: The false alarm theory (1998) by Ramachandran, V.S. Published in the Journal of Medical Hypotheses.